Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Goodbye Margot, Hello Orthos

Getting from Eve's apartment to Passaic was an overplanned yet undersuccessful journey. One rolley suitcase, shoulder bag and a 3 foot, 5 inch diameter foam roller and three bus trips equals the following. Plummeting toward the back of the bus as it accelerates. Onlookers stare, but only to see what happens, not with the intent to help if I do a face plant. Several people at different points in time are hit, brushed or generally molested by the foam roller. With others it sparks conversation- one personal trainer and one Port Authority cop who caught me at my most discombobulated. I was expecting "Are you lost?" but instead was approached with mention of "quads" and some muscle that goes by it's acronym nickname. Finally I reached the so-called Spanish Bus to New Jersey. The bus is super friendly and blasting Latin beats. In directing me, my sister explained that the bus would go through a "yucky" Hispanic neighborhood before returning to the highway. I think she must have learned that term during hers many years working in immigration law.

Next on the agenda are shabbat dinner and a fasting holiday that I plan on skipping.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Found on beach in Huntington.

The Citay

Pigeons Do Get Killed

The other day I was walking through Brooklyn with my cousin Marisa when we witnessed a pigeon slowly- but surely- run over by a truck backing into a parking spot. Why didn't it fly away? It was too busy pecking a piece of foil.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Road to NYC

Now that Jessica has met Margot's brother Sam, the Stein quadrilateral is complete. Sam is driving us to Brooklyn- in a car! There Margot will pursue the elusive perfect apartment, while Jessica will stay with her brother-from-another-mother Manny. NYC at last!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just another day at the beach with Marg and Ellen

We saw a pod of dolphins here today! That's right, apparently "the
frat boys of the sea" also come to Jersey to get their kicks. I think
I saw one of them bullying a kayaker.

I Heart Philly