Monday, July 21, 2008

Leffel and Nack

Margot playing the slots

Book Team

Leffel and me together again

My friend Ann is hilarious.

Ann is my friend-- now mother of two sons whose standard answer to "what do you do?" is: "laundry". But she is selling herself short as an amazing person who breezed through Organic Chemistry in college while simultaneously knitting and sewing and being generally productive, and later earning a Masters in Environmental Engineering. Luckily for us, She also has a tongue as sharp as Lara Flynn Boyle's elbows (analogy provided by J.Curts Leffel II). Case in point: loudly commenting on hairy assholes that resemble female genitalia during dinner at a local restaurant. Mouths were agape. Some customers left. I'm glad her children weren't there, though that probably wouldn't have stopped her. She cannot be stopped. Thank you Ann!

Friends in high places

We have spent the last few days living the life in colorado visitng jessica's friends from u of m. Our dinner conversation may or may not have offended the Denver diners at the next table. As the night went on we earned our keep by telling stories of dominatrix new years parties and s&m street fairs. All the animal sex around here has made for some memorable dreams.